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I am a Research Engineer at Agency for Science, Technology and Research (A*STAR) Singapore, where I am supervised by Prof. Mengmi Zhang. Previously, I spent a year at Microsoft Research India, where I worked with Dr. Navin Goyal. Prior to that, I was a Research Assistant at Kreiman Lab, Harvard University, where I was advised by Prof. Gabriel Kreiman.


N09C46, Connexis North,

1 Fusionopolis Way,

Singapore 138632


Dec 2023

Aug 2023

Presented our paper on working memory in AI and Humans at NeurIPS 2023 in New Orleans

Aug 2023

July 2023

Dec 2022

Oct 2022

Joined Deep NeuroCognition Lab, A*STAR Singapore as a Research Engineer


Oct 2022 - Present

Deep NeuroCognition Lab | Agency for Science, Technology and Research

Research Engineer | Advisor : Prof. Mengmi Zhang

Developing robust memory-augmented networks for out-of-distribution generalization. Also, working on self-supervised methods for contextual reasoning.

Summer of 2023

MIT Center for Brains, Minds and Machines

Summer Course Fellow

Awarded Fujitsu Laboratories Fellowship for MIT Brains, Minds, and Machines Summer Program. 

July 2021 - Aug 2022 

Microsoft Research

Research Intern Advisor : Dr. Navin Goyal

Developed models capable of generalizing compositionally in grounded language understanding tasks. Also, worked on the mechanistic interpretability of grounding and composition in multimodal transformers.

Jan 2021 - July 2021 

Kreiman Lab | Harvard University

Research Assistant Advisor : Prof. Gabriel Kreiman

Investigated the efficacy of cross-modal attention in vision-language tasks. Demonstrated that attention in transformers correlates more with human attention when compared with CNN/LSTM networks.

May 2019 - July 2019 

Center for Visual Information Technology | IIIT Hyderabad

Research Intern Advisor : Prof. Avinash Sharma

Worked on an end-to-end network for reconstructing 3D models of humans from monocular video. Developed tools for pre-processing & generating 3D mesh data of humans from a vertex-based template model.

July 2017 - June 2021 

Birla Institute of Technology, Mesra

Undergraduate Researcher  Advisor : Prof. Swati Prasad

Developed interpretable and modular models for visual question answering via disentangled representation of visual scenes. Explored beam search algorithm for generating structured programs from natural language questions.

academic service



NeurIPS’23, EMNLP’23, ACL’23, EMNLP’22

Reading Group, Deep NeuroCognition Lab, A*STAR Singapore

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